Think Before You Click: Ethical Companies to Support This Year

Here at Shared Planet, we mean it when we say our products are made with love. Love for the earth, it's animals, and all people. All our products are certified vegan, cruelty-free, and child-labor free. We make this pledge with the firm belief that no animal or person should be exploited for profit. And as part of our mission, we donate 10% of all proceeds to animal welfare organizations. We also believe in supporting companies that are doing right by our world. The following companies are either vegan, cruelty-free, child-labor free, or a combination of all three. Consider choosing their products the next time you online shop, and spread the love to our planet and every living thing on it.
1. Ten Thousand Villages
This is one of my favorite companies, and I mean it when I say that I never pass by a Ten Thousand Villages storefront without stopping in. All their products are handcrafted with beauty and care, and it takes everything in me not to leave with an overflowing basket. They call themselves a maker-to-market company that “breaks the cycle of generational poverty and ignites social change.” From inception, they have committed to ensuring all their artisans are paid fair wages, they only use renewable or recyclable materials, and they choose to work with people who are generally excluded from the global economy, like women or people with disabilities. They are child-labor free and have an in-depth explanation for how they maintain their fair trade status on their website. Though not every product is certified vegan, Ten Thousand Villages uses only ethical and locally sourced materials with the vision that “one day, all artisans in developing countries will earn a fair wage, be treated with dignity and respect, and be able to live a life of quality.” I personally love their accessories, like these earrings handmade in India and this makeup pouch, handmade in Bangladesh.
2. Pacifica
Pacifica is vegan, cruelty-free, and environmentally friendly. They create clean products that are void of toxins and parabens, and their packaging can be recycled for multiple uses. As part of their mission, they have been cruelty-free and vegan since the start of the company, and are attempting “to transform beauty by leading with love and compassion.” They recently released a new vegan collagen collection that, when tested in clinical trials, has shown to be just as effective as animal collagen in improving skin elasticity. I personally love this face powder, which feels light on my skin, or this 2-in-1 lash extending mascara which makes my lashes look fuller and longer.
3. Patagonia
A globally known, highly successful company, Patagonia puts their money where their mouth is. They commit to being a fair trade organization and currently have more fair trade certified items than any other apparel brand. As a fair trade certified label, Patagonia pays a premium to the factory workers who make their products, and those workers choose how to spend the extra money. This video highlights a factory in Sri Lanka that chose to spend the premium on a daycare center, enabling easier access to jobs for women, who make up at least 75% of factory workers worldwide. You can also search their website for exclusively fair trade items, like this colorful and cozy fleece or these comfy yoga pants.
4. Dr. Botanicals
Based in London, Dr. Botanicals is a LGBT owned, vegan, cruelty-free, and organic skin-care company. They call themselves “The Clean Beauty People,” and are always searching for new formulas to accommodate every skin type. They are on a mission to be carbon free by 2025, and they guarantee that you will see direct results when you use their products. If not, you get 100% of your money back. According to their website, 80% of countries do not have laws against animal testing and approximately 500,000 animals are used in cosmetic testing every year. You can sign this petition to help Dr. Botanicals and other companies fight against animal testing. Not sure what product to start with? This gift set, made with hemp seed oil, pomegranate, and rose, helps to relieve stress and hydrate the skin, two things I think we all need right now! Or buy this charcoal face mask and have yourself a stay-at-home spa day!
5. Hu Kitchen
There is a longstanding history of companies in the cocoa trade exploiting children and paying workers less than living wages in order to turn profits. The Food Empowerment Program is an organization dedicated to educating the world on the power of one’s food choices. The FEP is working to end child labor, help workers receive fair wages, and promote vegan, ethical food companies that are better for people and the environment. This is a list of chocolate companies that are certified vegan and child-labor free, which the FEP updates periodically. Hu Kitchen is one such chocolate brand whose tagline is “get back to human.” The founders realized that quality chocolate that was ethically sourced, environmentally friendly, and kind to the body just wasn’t out there, so they created their own. All Hu products are vegan, paleo, and organic, with nothing added that isn’t necessary. I personally love their cashew butter and vanilla bean bar, but you can also try their variety pack with one of every flavor. They’re the perfect stocking stuffer or holiday treat, made with love for all living things.
In our world, technology is literally at our fingertips, and it’s easy to get sucked into colorful advertising and catchy slogans. We urge you to pause before you click purchase and think about where your products are coming from. Every company should be able to provide information on where they source their products and what those products are made of. Our information can be found here. If a company isn’t able to tell you, that may be a sign to move on. Choosing vegan, cruelty-free, and child-labor free products ensure that you are spreading love and giving back to our earth along with every living thing on it.
Maggie Blehar is a Philadelphia based writer/educator with a Bachelor’s in English and a Master’s in Education. She has been plant-based since 2011 and is always in search of ethical companies to support. She loves traveling, walking her dog, painting, meditation, working for social justice, digging deeper into her zodiac sign, and exploring the Philly vegan scene with friends. Some of her favorite organizations are: Don’t Eat the Homies, Farm Sanctuary, CHNGE, Gentle Barn, and the Equal Justice Initiative.